Media Studies

Media Studies
Welcome to my blog for my A2 Media Studies Coursework! I hope you enjoy browsing through my work! 2012-13

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Camera Work Planning 1

The main theme of the video; is the reflection of childhood, and how time has passed. For this, I'd really like to involve the effects of the camera from the Toy Bear's Perspective! This would involve things being brighter than what they are, even if the scene is of a negative matter, as the bear still wants everything to be positive and fun, like back when I was a child. This perspective will be heightened if there are any flash back scenes within the video (especially of the room changing between times, etc.).
For this the brightness setting will be adjusted to a higher intake of light, and I may involve more contrast upon the image itself. For the alteration of flash-back scenes, I'd create a blurrier focus (to make it seem dreamy - flashback etc.) by turning off auto focus and using the camera manually. And the contrast shall be made more extreme within the scene.

There will be other posts after this one, where I shall further the detail of my ideas!

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