- I want it to be IN colour, as I want it to capture a lot of the realism to the shots and scenes, rather than trying to produce this surreal image of black and white, that although it may show great detail, deprives itself of many such emotions that could of been expressed through colour.
- I may give the footage a contrast, brighter look, as to suit the view of a child (as it's from a toy's perspective)
- May add some blur, as to parts that show that the bear is reminiscing. Emphasises the change of screenplay
- May add colour to certain places, to deliberately show emotion
As for the Costume planning, I plan for my cast (excluding the Toy Bear) to wear whatever they deem suitable for the video, as I want to make the video as realistic as possible, and what better way to do it, than to just be ourselves, wearing the clothes we like and acting in environments that we usually act well in!
Hope to post further information soon!
Can you give a visual indication for this, either photos from the shoot, test shots, raw footage or early edits? Or any other visual material which has inspired the look and feel of your video?