Media Studies

Media Studies
Welcome to my blog for my A2 Media Studies Coursework! I hope you enjoy browsing through my work! 2012-13

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Project Brief - Start to Course

"Week 1" of school, and we have now been given our project brief: it details:

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with:
  • a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package);
  • a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package);
For this, I expect to use a mixture of skills, in-order to achieve the completion of this breif. These skills are:
  • Graphic skills; in-order to produce products, advertisement and other mediums with efficiency, quality and relevance to the brief at hand
  • Artistic skills; in-order to produce detailed work that has layers of inner meaning and depth, creating a product favoured for its ellaborate structure and beauty
  • English skills; in-order to analyse and debate about the importance of products and media, within a clear and passionate context
  • ICT skills; as to control and effectly use the latest equipment to create the specified products to a professional standard
  • (AND) Media skills; as to help evaluate, compare and gather large amounts of social information, and turn it into unquestionable knowledge.
The challenges that I shall find most interesting to face would be:
  • Organising the filming and general creation of the video when moving through the "Making" stages of the product
  • Asking for feedback from friends, due to the reactions and efficiency in the feedback that they may give
  • Finding a suitable location to produce the video
  • Finding people to be IN the video
  • Coming up with the scenario that will be conducted within the video, and how this shall relate to the song itself.
  • Having to take a photo shoot of actors present in the video (if needed)
  • (AND) Any future technicalities of filming (such as new camera, absent actors, etc)

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